Addiction Psychics To Help You. Addiction Psychics That Work.

by magicspells
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Addiction Psychics To Help You

Drug and alcohol addiction psychics can help with the removal of all unwanted habits and completely remove destructive and addictive tendencies. These psychics can work for you, or someone you love, even though many alternative methods may have been tried and failed to bring a positive outcome. This psychic can help you with problems ranging from drug addiction, (including addiction to prescribed drugs), to alcohol abuse and of course tobacco smoking. If you or someone you love has a problem with any of these addictions and problems then my psychic casting can help to overcome the problems forever. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift this would be for you to order for someone who you truly love and care for. Addiction Psychics To Help You

Psychics to Overcome Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Magic is useful for every aspect of our lives, even the physical level. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to break certain physical habits. It can be difficult to change existing patterns in our diet or exercise routine. Many of us suffer from addictions, addictive or obsessive behavior, or just can’t seem to free ourselves from certain negative situations or circumstances. When these perpetual cycles trap us in patterns that are no good for us, and Unbinding Psychic can help.

Unbinding Psychics work to separate you from the negative condition, habit, or vice you’re having trouble quitting. Unbinding Psychics can assist in breaking an addiction or losing weight. Unbinding Psychics can be used on yourself or someone else. For example, if a loved one is suffering from a self-destructive addiction, and Unbinding Psychic may help push them in the right direction and free them from the negative cycle. But always keep in mind, when working magic for other people, it’s always best to get their permission beforehand. Otherwise, you are working against their free will which will decrease the odds of your success.

An Unbinding Psychic is essentially an extreme form of banishing, so it’s best to time it with the last few days of the moon cycle. The three nights before the New Moon, or the Dark Moon, is an ideal time for banishing that which no longer serves you. If you can’t wait, then anytime after the Full Moon before the New Moon will work.

Obtain two candles, one black, and one white. If you are working on behalf of someone else, then acquire a totem of them. The best totem is a lock of hair, fingernails, or toenails, but a picture or an object they’ve touched will suffice.

Place the totem by the white candle at the center of your altar, or on a window sill. Set the black candle next to it, to the West or toward the nearest window.

On a loose-leaf paper, write down the outcome you desire as if it’s already a fact. So, if you are trying to lose weight, write, “I am healthy, fit, and weigh about the such-and-such amount.” Or, if you are trying to quit smoking, write, “I am free from my addiction to cigarettes.”  If casting the psychic for someone else, then just use their full name in the third person: “John Henry Smith is clean and sober.”

Tear up the page into seven, nine, eleven, or thirteen pieces, depending on the intensity of the situation. For self-improvement purposes, seven or nine will do. But for more serious addictions and deeply ingrained habits, you’ll probably need the full thirteen. Place the crumpled pieces of paper in a row next to the black candle, heading West or toward the nearest window.  Light both candles. Meditate, visualizing the outcome you desire. Imagine that you are free from your addiction and really try to feel what that’s like. Indulge in the feeling of freedom from your vices, and then burn the paper nearest the black candle. Move the black candle one space away from the white candle.


2 Century Ave SE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
United States.

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